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The Industrial Research Sectoral Groups (RSRIs) extend their congratulations to the new Minister of Economy, Innovation, and Energy 11th September 2024

Quebec, September 12, 2024 - The Industrial Research Sectoral Groups (RSRIs) congratulate the new Minister of Economy, Innovation, and Energy, Ms. Christine Fréchette, and assure her, as well as the entire government, of their full and active collaboration to stimulate collaborative research and industrial development in Quebec.

At the same time, they extend their sincere thanks to her predecessor, Mr. Pierre Fitzgibbon, for his significant contribution to the promotion of innovation and the development of Quebec. His listening, trust, efforts, and time have been greatly appreciated by all.

Representing Quebec’s key sectors, the RSRIs are a driving force in supporting the government in achieving its objectives, as well as in the implementation of its programs and strategies, all in alignment with the Quebec Strategy for Research and Investment in Innovation (SQRI2). They stimulate Quebec’s economic fabric in its pursuit of growth. There are nine (9) groups, designated by the Government of Quebec to act as intermediary and funding organizations for collaborative research and development (R&D). As innovation catalysts, they have successfully promoted the transfer of knowledge and technological adoption by businesses in various strategic sectors of the economy for many years, fostering partnerships between the research and industry sectors.

With their structured networks and in-depth knowledge of their respective fields, they also contribute to employment, student training, patent filings, licensing, technology commercialization, business creation, and industrial investments, to name just a few.

About the RSRIs (https://rsri.quebec/)

The Industrial Research Sectoral Groups (RSRIs) have been entrusted by the Quebec government with the mandate to support collaborative research and development (R&D). There are nine (9) of them: CQDM, CQRDA, CRIAQ, CRIBIQ, CRITM, INNOVÉÉ, MEDTEQ+, PRIMA, and PROMPT, and they push the boundaries of innovation by fostering strategic partnerships between the industrial and academic research sectors in high-tech fields. Between 2018 and 2023 alone, they contributed to generating total R&D investments of $929M in 1,013 projects they supported, thus stimulating productivity and economic growth in Quebec with economic benefits exceeding $1,005M over the past five years.


For further information, please contact:

Jessica Blanchette
Communications and Public Relations Officer
(514) 875-0032 ext. 22

Jean-François Pouliot
Executive Director
(418) 544-3445