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**Workshop video now available** Quebec Greenhouse Growing Webinar : Challenges, Issues and Opportunities

23rd September, 2020
Videoconference on Zoom

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The recording of the webinar on Quebec greenhouse production is now available. Enjoy!

Watch here.

Quebec's food self-sufficiency is currently at the heart of the debate. Producing quality fruit and vegetables locally, all year round, is an objective for many players in the agricultural world. To achieve this, greenhouse farming seems to be essential.

Energy efficiency remains a major technological challenge in the development of the sector. Greenhouse growing can be integrated into the design of circular economy projects and could benefit from the production of renewable energy on the same site. What's more, the Quebec government has announced a reduction in electricity rates and has expressed its desire to double greenhouse production, while supporting the use of energy from renewable resources. The measures in the 2020-2021 budget are in line with this, with the allocation of $50 million over five (5) years to support the development of Quebec's greenhouse industry [1].  

The greenhouse industry must also benefit from the emergence of new technologies to optimize production and offer high-quality end products. To this end, the integration of 4.0 industry via artificial intelligence, optimization of the cultivation process and others is becoming a must.

Purpose of the webinar

The aim of this webinar is to paint a picture of the Quebec greenhouse industry today and tomorrow. What are the major issues facing the sector? What are the avenues for collaborative innovation to develop this sector in Quebec?

This webinar brings together key players in the sector to answer these questions and develop possible solutions for wider deployment.


For further information, contact Cristina Marques at 418 914-1608, ext. 202 or by e-mail at cristina.marques@cribiq.qc.ca.

Check out the schedule


La serriculture québécoise_Présentation


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