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Information Webinar – INNOV-R Program

13th October, 2022
Videoconference on Zoom

GHG Emissions Reduction: Collaborating to Innovate

The "regroupements sectoriels de recherche industrielle" (RSRIs) are launching a call for projects aiming to promote and support the emergence of innovative collaborative projects that will enable Quebec to achieve its GHG emission reduction objectives.

The INNOV-R funding program is part of the Quebec government's will to make the fight against climate change a major lever of economic and sustainable development.

An information webinar has been hosted by CRIBIQ and InnovÉÉ, with the participation of CIRAIG, last October 13, 2022 to address the following points:

  • Objectives of the funding program
  • Program funding parameters and project eligibility criteria
  • Project evaluation criteria
  • Assistance offered to estimate the potential GHG emissions reduction of your project, presented by CIRAIG
  • Answers to your questions!

Watch the webinar!

If you have any questions about the program, please email our Innovation Director Jean Philippe Chenel.


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