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Collaborative program for malt barley genetic improvement for Quebec - Phase II

As part of a previous project (2019-086-C52), we initiated collaborative work to develop two-row malting barley varieties that will offer Quebec producers greater profitability. Together with our partners, we aim to establish innovative varietal development programs. A large collection of genetic material (>1000 lines) was previously evaluated, and the best lines (N=245) were used to initiate crosses leading to superior varieties and to develop a genomic prediction tool for identifying the most promising parental line combinations.

Following up on the previous project, we aim to 1) continue the development of new varieties and 2) integrate three important innovations into the varietal development process (genomic prediction tool, rapid advancement of early generations, aerial phenotyping using drones). In the first phase of the proposed project, we will feed the varietal development pipeline (new crosses, new populations) while beginning the identification of the best descendants among the genetic material generated earlier. In the second phase, we will explore technological innovations that can enhance the efficiency of our programs.

The deliverables of this project will be advanced two-row malting barley lines (at the final stage of evaluation for commercialization), a partnership to achieve rapid advancement of early generations in our varietal development programs, and procedures to use drones to facilitate and accelerate data collection in the field.

François Belzile

Université Laval

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 187 495


Industrial participants :

Semican, Producteurs de grains du Québec (PGQ)

*Quebec public research institutes :

Université Laval