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Containment Zeodration: for a leading and innovative agrifood in Quebec

The agriculture and agrifood system is a major component of the Canadian economy. Facing multiple challenges related to the globalization of markets and the environmental pressure, companies must improve their competitiveness and adopt innovative practices.

In this project, Cintech agroalimentaire and its three industrial partners intend to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and to implement an innovative technology, Containment Zeodration. This new cold-drying technology, which begins to be used outside of Canada, addresses the challenges of the agri-food industry by providing an energy-efficient solution to produce high-quality dried foods. This initiative proposes a plan that will allow business partners to access efficient technologies and to catch up compared to foreign companies.

Specifically, the work will lead to the development of innovative new products and methods for efficient drying of sensitive foods, while improving the sensory and nutritional quality of foods.

Ali Bazmi

Cintech Agroalimentaire

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 226 667


Industrial participants :


France Délices

Entreprises Gérard Doucet Ltée

*Quebec public research institutes :

Cintech agroalimentaire