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Deployment of a commercial structure for isotope-enriched biomolecules extracted from microalgae.

For more than four years, Iso-BioKem has been working on the development of a biomolecule production platform (mainly lipids) enriched in stable isotopes (13C, 15N and 2H) extracted from microalgae biomass in order to to supply cutting-edge technological sectors (research, biomedical, chemistry, etc.). Previous projects have allowed
to validate their technology on a pre-commercial scale both in terms of operations and in terms of the capacity to production. The company has therefore arrived at the level of the deployment of its technology at the commercial level. The project proposed falls directly into this perspective and will have the main objective of validating its production structure sales and marketing of different products. More specifically, the project was subdivided into three subsections main goals. (1) Put all the production units into operation in order to validate all the steps of production in a context of marking, from cultivation to harvesting of the biomass. (2) Set to commercial scale our protocols for the extraction and purification of biomolecules to be able to operate on a greater amount of biomass. (3) Evaluation of business and marketing strategy to determine potential needs for human resources, the challenges of negotiating commercial agreements, the deployment of the sales force and the integration of the production of biomolecules into the current commercial activities of the company.

Bertrand Genard

Les Laboratoires Iso-BioKem Inc.

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 150 000


Industrial participants :

Les laboratoires Iso-BioKem inc

Solution Novika