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Valorization of the Atlantic Redfish: The Return of a Species Emblematic of the Gulf of St. Lawrence

This project aims to exploit a biomass that is making a comeback in the St. Lawrence: redfish (Sebastes mentella). It is now estimated that redfish account for almost 90% of all organisms living in the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. Commercial redfish fishing is scheduled to begin in 2024. This species represents an excellent opportunity to exploit the marine biomass of the St. Lawrence.

The project presented by Chasse-Marée is the first step towards marketing a range of top-quality canned seafood products designed to provide consumers with an unrivalled sensory experience. The project involves developing three new products based on Atlantic redfish. The formulations developed will showcase the riches of Quebec and the flavours of the boreal region.

The project is divided into three phases. Phase 1 involves assessing the impact of heat treatment on redfish and identifying sterilization targets. Phase 2 involves validating the sterilization schedules for the three formulations. During these two phases, Chasse-Marée will have to meet the technical challenges associated with heat treatments of food products. To overcome these technological uncertainties, Chasse-Marée has teamed up with Cintech, a college centre for technology transfer in the agri-food sector, to bring its project to fruition. Phase 3 will ultimately involve industrial-scale production of each of the three products.

Guillaume Werstink

Agent de valorisation de la recherche
Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 50 750


Industrial participants :

Chasse-Marée Inc.

*Quebec public research institutes :

Cintech agroalimentaire