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Program 2022-23 91st Call for projects


Marine biotechnologies offer different options for valuing marine products and their co-products in a multitude of industrial applications, such as agrobiotechnology, aquaculture, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, animal & human health, biofuels, biomedical, all active industrial sectors in Quebec. The global marine biotechnology market has been estimated to be worth $ 4.8 billion (US) in 2020 and $ 6.4 billion in 2025 respectively. 
Thus, marine biotechnologies constitute a promising avenue for modernizing and ensuring the sustainability of the fishing and aquaculture industry as well as finding alternatives to the burial of marine residues. 
The development of marine biotechnologies in Quebec is one of the measures of the new Avantage Saint-Laurent maritime vision, which aims to offer maritime communities promising and sustainable development possibilities.

It is in this context that CRIBIQ is launching, in collaboration with the direction of the maritime strategy secretariat of the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), the 2nd phase of BTM PROPULSION's program, in order to continue the business financing initiative, who work in the marine biotechnologies' field in Quebec.

You can download the 2022-2023 Applicant's Guide for more information or visit the funding program's page for more information on our funding's programs.

Download the Letter of intent (optional) for the 91st call for projects BTM-Propulsion phase II.

You can contact directly Mrs Daniela Bernic, director of Innovation, to validate your to validate the eligibility of your projects and obtain the required forms for the submission of the full application.



  • Submission of the letter of intent
    12th July 2022
  • Submission of the full application form
    30th August 2022
  • Fiscal year

Contact person

Daniela Bernic

Mrs. Daniela Bernic

Senior Director - Strategic Development
418 914-1608 206
