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Funding programs

The goal of the CRIBIQ research program is to co-finance innovative collaborative research projects involving enterprises and public research institutes that share a common interest in the development of biobased products. Funding of such projects by CRIBIQ is provided in the form of non-reimbursable financial contributions granted by Quebec’s Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy (MEIE).


128th Call for projects - Artificial Intelligence Financial Program | PARTENAR-IA 

Quebec's leadership and breakthroughs in the world of artificial intelligence has put the province on the map. Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in helping the various challenges faced in the bioeconomical sectors by offering solutions and tools to stimulate innovation, optimize processes and improve the efficiency of Quebec companies. That is why CRIBIQ is launching a call for projects in artificial intelligence applied to the bioeconomy.

This call for projects is part of the Investissement Québec Innovation Program and is aimed for Quebec companies (with priority for SMEs) with collaborative research projects in AI with other SMEs (or startups) as well as with ≥ a public research institute (IRPQ), i.e. a university, a college center for technology transfer (CCTT) or other government research centers.

If you are a company working in various sectors of the bioeconomy and want to implement artificial intelligence, do not hesitate to contact us to validate the eligibility of your project.

Download the applicant's guide (french version only).

To validate the eligibility of the project and to obtain the documents required for the submission of a detailed application, you can contact Juliette Blouin, projects manager, at juliette.blouin@cribiq.qc.ca

You can submit until August 23rd 2024.


In the midst of the industrial revolution of artificial intelligence (AI), Quebec finds itself in a favorable position, and the strength of its ecosystem is no coincidence.

In Quebec, several innovation centers work closely with the industry, research institutes, and universities, specializing in AI. They can leverage their expertise to benefit all sectors of the bioeconomy. These organizations provide companies and researchers with knowledge and access to cutting-edge, expensive, and less accessible infrastructures.

Download the Guide des déposants 2024-2025.

To validate the eligibility of your projects and obtain additional information, depending on the targeted sector, please contact:

Biofood Sector: Laila Ben Said, Director of Innovation 

Industrial Bioproducts and Environment Sector: Jean Philippe Chenel, Director of Innovation 

Deadline to submit the Letter of Intent (mandatory) and preliminary budget: August 28, 2024.

Deadline to submit the Detailed Application: November 4, 2024.

126th call for projects – INNOV-R

By 2030, Quebec is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 37.5% compared to 1990 levels. To meet this environmental priority, and as part of its 2024-2025 collaborative research program, CRIBIQ announces the launch of its new call for projects for the INNOV-R program, dedicated to the bioeconomy sectors concerned by GHG reduction in Quebec.

This program, which is part of the Quebec government's Plan for a Green Economy (PGE 2030), is aimed at the emergence of innovative collaborative projects in strategic economic sectors to enable the province to move forward and reach its GHG reduction targets more quickly and effectively.

CRIBIQ will offer its support to the economic sectors served by the organization:

  • Agri-food
  • Industrial bioproducts
  • Environment

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide.

To validate the eligibility of your project, obtain the forms required to submit the Full Application, and obtain the GHG emission reduction calculation form, contact Jean Philippe Chenel, Innovation Director.

The deadline for the GHG emissions reduction calculation is October 8, 2024.

The deadline for submitting your Full Application is October 15, 2024.

124th call for projects – Eternal Pollutants (PFAS)

The environmental persistence and bioaccumulation of per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) is a concern in Quebec, Canada and worldwide. These compounds have been detected in drinking water, in soils and even in certain aquatic organisms. In addition, national biomonitoring surveys have revealed the presence of numerous PFASs in human blood.

The search for solutions to reduce the use and impact of these eternal pollutants on flora and fauna remains a major challenge, both in Quebec and worldwide.

It is in this context that the CRIBIQ is launching the Special call for projects – Eternal Pollutants (PFAS), as part of the Support Program for Research and Innovation Organizations (SPO) of the Quebec's Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy (MEIE), which is aimed at companies and public research institutes in Quebec (IRPQ) wishing to collaborate in developing processes for managing and eliminating PFAS-type cation exchange resins (CERs) present in municipal waste.

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide

To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit the Full Application, contact Cristina Marques, VP – Management of Innovation Programs.

The deadline for submitting the Letter of intent – mandatory – and the Calculation grid is July 5, 2024.

The deadline for submitting the Full Application is November 4, 2024.

123rd call for projects – Cosmeceuticals

The rise of the cosmeceuticals industry in Quebec is of major importance in several respects. Firstly, efforts are being made to stimulate innovation and research in the field of skin care products, enabling Quebec companies to position themselves as leaders in the development of new active bioingredients and the creation of proven, safe formulas. What's more, the sector's growth is generating jobs requiring skilled workers, helping to strengthen the province's economic fabric and attract talent.

It's in this context that the CRIBIQ is launching, as part of the Support Program for Research and Innovation Organizations (SPO) of the Quebec's Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy (MEIE), the Special call for projects – Cosmeceuticals, aimed at companies and Quebec's public research institutes (IRPQ) wishing to collaborate on innovative projects related to the cosmeceuticals sector.

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide. 

To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit the Full Application, contact  Jean Philippe Chenel, Director of Innovation.

The deadline for submitting the Letter of intent – mandatory – and the Calculation grid is July 5, 2024.

The deadline for submitting the Full Application is November 4, 2024.


122nd call for projects – SPO-Bioproducts & Environment I

To position itself as a key player in environmental preservation, Quebec must invest in academic research in the various sectors of the bioeconomy, including industrial bioproducts and the environment.

The industrial bioproducts sector covers bioenergy (liquid, solid and gaseous biofuels), bio-based materials and chemicals. In the environmental sector, the CRIBIQ aims to support projects related to bioremediation, effluent treatment and waste recovery.

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide.

To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit your Full Application, contact Jean Philippe Chenel, Director of Innovation.

The deadline for submitting the Letter of intent – optional – and the Calculation grid is June 3, 2024.

The deadline for submitting the Full Application is October 25, 2024.

121st call for projects – SPO-Biofood I

The biofood sector is one of the key sectors of the Quebec's economy. It contributes to food security and sovereignty, as well as to the province's economic and environmental health.

The Quebec biofood sector has the potential to become a world leader in innovation and research and development (R&D). The CRIBIQ is therefore committed to providing financial support for collaborative research projects in the Quebec's biofood sector.

The SPO-Biofood program is part of the Support Program for Research and Innovation Organizations (SPO) set up by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy (MEIE) of Quebec.

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide.

To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit your Full Application, contact Laila Ben Said, Director of Innovation.

The deadline for submitting the Letter of intent – optional –and the Calculation grid is June 3, 2024.

The deadline for submitting the Full Application is October 8, 2024.

118th call for projects – CRIBIQ-Novalait

Novalait, the dairy industry's research catalyst, was created in 1995. Bringing together 4,000+ companies in the sector, Novalait is often the only access to research for dairy companies. For nearly 30 years, Novalait has been working with researchers from a wide range of disciplines to meet the scientific challenges facing dairy farms and plants, and has invested in 140+ research projects with a total value of nearly $70 million, contributing to the improvement of agricultural and industrial practices, and the innovation of dairy products.

The CRIBIQ-Novalait special call for projects aims to co-finance innovative collaborative research projects involving Novalait, Quebec public research institutes (IRPQ) and partner companies, for projects with a common interest in the development of the dairy production and processing sector.

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide.

To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit your Full Application, contact Laila Ben Said, Innovation Director.

The deadline for submitting your Letter of intent and Calculation grid is May 8, 2024.

The deadline for submitting your Full Application is September 4, 2024.



130th call for projects - CRIBIQ-StartUP - Precision fermentation serving the bioeconomy

Faced with the current major challenges such as climate change, the scarcity of natural resources, and the need for a transition to a more sustainable economy, the bioeconomy is emerging as an essential solution. However, this transition relies on innovation and the development of new technologies capable of addressing these issues. Among them, precision fermentation stands out as a key technology to tackle these challenges. By enabling the efficient and controlled production of specific biomolecules from renewable resources, this technology contributes to reducing dependence on fossil resources, optimizing industrial processes, and creating innovative solutions for a more circular and environmentally friendly economy.

It is in this context that CRIBIQ is launching a special call for projets dedicated to high-growth potential young companies (Start-UP) that offer innovative solutions while utilizing precision fermentation to address the various challenges of the bioeconomy.

If you are an innovative start-up leveraging sustainable solutions and cutting-edge technologies while using precision fermentation, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide.

To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit the Full Application, contact Amaury Lucas, Project coordinator.

The deadline for submitting your Letter of intent – mandatory – is August 20, 2024.

The deadline for submitting your Full Application is November, 11th 2024.


125th call for projects – BTM-Propulsion II

Marine biotechnologies represent a promising avenue for modernizing and ensuring the sustainability of the fishing and aquaculture industry, and for finding alternatives to landfilling marine waste. In fact, the development of marine biotechnologies is one of the objectives of the St. Lawrence Advantage vision, which aims to offer maritime communities promising, sustainable development opportunities.

In collaboration with the Secrétariat à la stratégie maritime of the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility of Quebec, the CRIBIQ is therefore launching its 125th call for projects under the BTM-Propulsion program, with a view to continuing the funding initiative for companies working in the field of marine biotechnologies in Quebec.

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide.

To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit the Full Application, contact Claude Côté, Director of Innovation.

The deadline for submitting your Letter of intent – mandatory – is September 5, 2024.

The deadline for submitting your Full Application is October 28, 2024.

120th call for projects – Procurement & Conditioning of Forest Biomass for Bioenergy Production

Forest biomass, which refers to residues from the forestry industry such as chips, sawdust, bark and branches, wood with no takers having no commercial use or no commercial user, as well as trees degraded as a result of natural disturbances, is emerging as a key resource for the energy transition and a sustainable circular economy. Not only does it maximize the use of forest resources and reduce waste, it also contributes to the diversification of energy sources, reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

With 3.5+ million anhydrous metric tons (amt) of forest harvest residues available each year, and a production of 7.7 million amt of joint sawmill products, Quebec is very well positioned to become a regional and global leader in the production of renewable energy and other value-added products made from forest biomass.

To this end, the Quebec's Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MRNF) has mandated the CRIBIQ to launch the Call for Projects on the Procurement & Conditioning of Forest Biomass for Bioenergy Production, aimed at supporting the realization of innovative industrial projects related to the production of bioenergy from local forest biomass.

Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide.

To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit the Full Application, contact Claude Côté, Director of Innovation.

The deadline for submitting your Letter of intent is August 9, 2024.

The deadline for submitting your Full Application is October 29, 2024.

116th call for projects – CRIBIQ-Maturation

Innovation is a key driver of economic growth in Quebec. To position itself and stand out among advanced societies, Quebec must create a climate that favours innovation, both in research and in entrepreneurship. Maturation of technological innovations is one of the key stages in a company's development. That is why the CRIBIQ is lauching the new CRIBIQ-Maturation program to support innovative companies in their efforts to mature their innovation projects and bring them to market.

As part of this call for projects, the CRIBIQ is pleased to be joining forces with Axelys to provide additional financial support for the maturation of intellectual property (IP) and the development of technologies resulting from public research.

The aim of this collaboration is to provide companies with direct financial support in the form of a loan from CRIBIQ and non-refundable technology maturation funding from Axelys. The CRIBIQ funds can be used as an industrial counterpart under AxelysPour des innovations d'avenir program.

Download the 2023-2024 Applicant's guide.

The deadline for submitting your Letter of Intent (mandatory) is March 24, 2024.

The deadline for submitting your Full Application is June 23, 2024.


Innovate with confidence thanks to our new support offer for industrial companies!

Our new CRIBIQ-BIOnext program aims to accompany our industrial members during the valorization fo their innovations as well as to offer them support during all the crucial stages of pre-commercialization/commercialization of their technologies in the industrial sectors of the bioeconomy.

To know everything about our CRIBIQ-BIOnext program and the eligibility of the required services, we invite you to consult the GUIDE 2024-2025.

For any additional information or to submit your service request, please join us at cribiq-bionext@cribiq.qc.ca