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The rise of the cosmeceuticals industry in Quebec is of major importance in several respects. Firstly, efforts are being made to stimulate innovation and research in the field of skin care products, enabling Quebec companies to position themselves as leaders in the development of new active bioingredients and the creation of proven, safe formulas. What's more, the sector's growth is generating jobs requiring skilled workers, helping to strengthen the province's economic fabric and attract talent.
Internationally, the development of Quebec's cosmeceutical industry promotes exports and the influence of our companies on world markets. At the same time, by offering advanced solutions to improve skin health, the cosmeceuticals sector promotes effective skincare practices tailored to consumer needs. At a local level, the cosmeceuticals sector boosts the Quebec economy by encouraging business development, investment and strategic partnerships with other sectors.
It's in this context that the CRIBIQ is launching, as part of the Support Program for Research and Innovation Organizations (SPO) of the Quebec's Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy (MEIE), the Special call for projects – Cosmeceuticals, aimed at companies and Quebec's public research institutes (IRPQ) wishing to collaborate on innovative projects related to the cosmeceuticals sector.
Download the 2024-2025 Applicant's guide.
* New standards in force. Please see page 5 in the Applicant's guide*
To validate the eligibility of your project in order to obtain the forms required to submit the Full Application, contact Jean Philippe Chenel, Director of Innovation.
The deadline for submitting the Letter of intent – mandatory – and the Calculation grid is July 5, 2024.
The deadline for submitting the Full Application is November 4, 2024.
Innovation Director - Bioproducts and Biotechnology
418 914-1608 203