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Program 2022-23 97th Call for projects

SPO-Agri Bio-Food

The agri-food sector is one of the key sectors of the Quebec economy. Indeed, it contributes to the food security and sovereignty as well as to the economic and environmental health of the province. The CRIBIQ is proud to contribute to the propulsion of this sector by launching a new call for projects dedicated to the agri-food sector. This call is part of the support program for research and innovation organizations (SPO) set up by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy of Quebec (MEIE).

The PSO-Agri Bio-Food call for projects is aimed at companies and research centers wishing to develop collaborative research projects in the agri-food field, particularly in the areas of plant production, animal production, food processing, health foods, and functional bio-ingredients.

For more information on the SPO-Bio Food call, download the 2022-2023 Applicant's Guide.

IMPORTANT! The Letter of Intent is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended in order to offer you personalized support throughout the application process.
You can contact Ms. Daniela Bernic directly to validate the eligibility of your project and to obtain the forms required to submit the Full Application.

The deadline for submitting your Letter of Intent is November 24, 2022.

The deadline for submitting your Full Application is January 17, 2023.


  • Submission of the letter of intent
    24th November 2022
  • Submission of the full application form
    17th January 2023
  • Fiscal year

Contact person

Daniela Bernic

Mrs. Daniela Bernic

Senior Director - Strategic Development
418 914-1608 206
