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Automation of a sugar shack and integration of a flavour fault detection system

As part of this project, the company Aménagement forestier coopératif des Appalaches (AFCA) is collaborating with the University of Sherbrooke to develop analysis tools and sensors that will make it possible to monitor in real time the evolution of several parameters (molecules witnesses in connection with flavor defects) during the transformation of maple sap into syrup. The development of such a system would make it possible to quickly apply corrective actions to avoid mixing batches between them and to limit the losses suffered by producers. This project could provide producers with tools to assess flavor defects quantitatively, while the current approach to grading maple syrup involves qualitative assessment. Finally, the participation of many students in this project (one post-doc, two doctoral students and two undergraduate interns) will contribute to the training of highly qualified personnel, while this sector of activity faces increasing difficulty in recruiting labor.

Jean-Michel Lavoie

Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS)

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 260 871


Industrial participants :

Aménagement forestier coopératif des Appalaches (AFCA)

*Quebec public research institutes :

Université de Sherbrooke