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During fish farming and agri-food production in Canada, many millions of tonnes of residues (liquids and solids) are produced annually. Most fish farms and food processing plants are looking for economically viable recovery routes for their residues. The Mont-tremblant fish farm generates nearly 160 metric tons of aquaculture sludge. These sludges are presently accumulated in a manure pit with a farm in Brébeuf, then spread on a grassy field. Circulus Agtech participates in the circular economy by promoting various types of organic materials available in the region. In this context, Circulus Agtech seeks to recover sludge from fish farming in liquid fertilizer suitable for hydroponics. To produce this fertilizer, Circulus Agtech involves the use of a bioprocess allowing the transformation of organic matter into nutrients that can be assimilated by the plant. However, if this bioprocess is not optimized (optimal pH, process duration, temperature, favorable microbial strains), the concentrations and availability of nutrients will not be optimal for the plant (nitrogen in the form of nitrates, phosphorus in the form of orthophosphates, potassium, iron and calcium). This research project aims to optimize the bioprocess of mineralization of organic matter and nitrification to produce a quality biofertilizer based on these agri-food residues. First, an inventory of agri-food effluents will be carried out. Then a characterization of these effluents will be made. Residual materials treatment processes will be optimized on the scales laboratory and pilot. Similarly, the effectiveness of the biofertilizer will be tested on lettuce and basil. Finally, a cycle analysis of life of the bioprocess will be carried out to estimate the GHG emissions during the production and application of the fertilizer.
Centre des technologies de l'eau (CTE)
$ 224 138
Circulus Agtech
Centre des technologies de l'eau (Cteau)