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Formulation of Polyethylene Films Containing a High Level of Post-Consumer Recycled Resins (PCRR)

The post-consumer resin market needs to develop in Quebec and Canada, as it does worldwide. Outlets for recovered plastic are scarce, and the quality of post-consumer resin is an issue we must address in the short term. PolyExpert, Modix Plastique and Premier Tech are joining forces to build a mesh that will enable the recovery of plastic bag residues from professional horticultural substrate. This project will make it possible to develop a quality PCR resin from a local circularity loop, since the raw material will be recovered in Quebec.

This collaboration aims to boost the circular economy in the Canadian province of Quebec, by giving a second life to plastic residues in order to reduce the environmental impact of plastics and make a greater contribution to the sustainable development of local communities. We support the approach of setting up a new circular value chain for the plastic recycling industry by changing the linear consumption model towards a circular economy. Our initiative is therefore based on recycling and reclaiming plastic residues. Through this collaboration, we are helping to reduce the volume of plastic waste ending up in landfill, in nature or in incineration, as well as reducing the amount of virgin plastic resins consumed.

Pierre Sarazin

R&D Vice-President, Sustainable Development

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 390 029


Industrial participants :


Modix Plastique Inc.

Premier Tech Horticulture Ltée