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Optimization of a Sustainable and Safe Fungal Fermentation Process for the Production of Biocidal Molecules from Fungi Isolated from the St. Lawrence River

Living in a hostile environment, marine fungi are a biochemically diverse group of organisms representing an enormous source of secondary metabolites with antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and other activities. This mycobiome is a goldmine for creating new, safer, environmentally-friendly and sustainable substances that can replace chemically synthesized products.

This project is the first initiative to commercially exploit the native fungi of the St. Lawrence River to develop new antimicrobial substances that are safe, environmentally friendly and sustainable. More specifically, Groupe InnuScience Inc. and Biopterre will work together to develop and scale-up a fermentation process to produce biocidal molecules from Epicoccum nigrum isolated from the river. The commercial application is to use these natural biocides as preservatives, as an alternative to chemically synthesized agents, in the company's commercial formulations.

Fadia Naim

Scientific Research and Development Director

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 250 000


Industrial participants :

Groupe InnuScience Inc.

*Quebec public research institutes :
