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Optimization of Energy Efficiency for Residential Wood Heating Appliances or "The Chimney-Free Stove"

This project, a partnership between Novika and SBI, focuses on developing a high-efficiency wood heating appliance. The energy efficiency of wood heating systems currently in operation in Quebec averages 49% for conventional appliances and approximately 63% for EPA 2015-certified appliances. Since 2020, appliances must meet EPA 2020 standards to be sold in the United States, achieving an average efficiency of 70%. Ultimately, the research team aims to design a product with performance levels comparable to gas appliances, some of which exceed 90% efficiency. High-efficiency appliances also have a dual positive environmental impact by reducing pollutant emissions and decreasing the amount of fuel required for domestic heating. For consumers, this translates to lower heating costs and reduced fuel storage space (wood). There is also a significant advantage in installation compared to a standard chimney, as exhaust gases are cooler. This project is a first step toward the "chimney-free stove."

The project ultimately aims to design and test prototypes of wood heating appliances (stoves, furnaces, fireplaces). This technology could transform installation options for consumers and significantly improve the cleanliness and efficiency of wood-burning appliances. It is expected to have a major impact on future regulations and the entire industry. By setting increasingly higher standards, competitors will need to double their efforts to reduce the environmental impact of their products. The work conducted as part of this project will have significant benefits for SBI, which plans to use this technology to develop a new product line. It is estimated that this new product line could generate $191 million in sales over the first ten years, representing a 17% increase in revenue. After ten years, sales of appliances using this technology are expected to account for 25% of the company's revenue.

Guillaume Caron

Solutions Novika

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 489 625


*Quebec public research institutes :

Solutions Novika