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Production of microalgae for the production of bait for the commercial lobster and crab fishery.

AllGaea's HVLS (High Volume Low Surface) technology aims to very efficiently produce algal biomass High quality. This biomass can be used to produce bait for the fishing industry with lobster. Lobster fishing is currently done using traditional bait. These baits are usually small fish, mainly mackerel.

Lobster stocks are doing very well and landings are increasing year after year. It is unfortunately different for the mackerel stocks. Indeed, stocks of mackerel and other small fishes are in decline. This phenomenon generates costs that compromise or reduce profitability for the fishing companies. In addition, in this context, the use of traditional baits threatens the sustainable fishing industry certification.

AllGaea therefore proposes to put its technology at the service of the lobster fishing industry. The bait produced from the algal biomass from the AllGaea cultivation system would make a sustainable alternative possible and would be offered at a stable and competitive price. Indeed, this bait, produced thanks to the recovery of CO2 from industrial emitters, it reduces the carbon footprint of its users and contributes to safeguarding mackerel stocks and other small fish species traditionally used by the lobster fishing industry.

David Desjardins Lemire

Directeur partenariats stratégiques
AllGaea Technologies inc

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 200 000


Industrial participants :

All Gaea Technologies Inc.