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Industrial Biotech and the post-COVID-19 world 5th June 2020

What are we learning about resilience of our economic models?

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into focus the fragility of what we used to take for securely granted in our past “normal lives”. The vulnerability of the global supply chains was laid bare in the past months, displaying the challenges of access to raw materials and manufacturing capacity, when factories and whole economies are forced into lockdown.

In building the new global networks for sourcing, exploitation and transformation of raw materials of the post 2020 pandemic world, we hopefully will include better preparedness for future pandemics. Global economic recovery will depend on cooperation:  “Now that we understand the crisis better, there should also be an understanding that the only way to deal with it effectively is through cooperation.(…) If you assist other countries, it’s not just out of compassion. It’s self-interest. As long as the epidemic spreads anywhere, it endangers everybody. (1)”

As for a viral pandemic, the consequences of climate change will spread rapidly, and its effects will not be contained in the geographic areas to be first severely impacted. The same philosophy for cooperation needs to apply to addressing the climate crisis. Real All: Bio MArket Insights