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Detecting the Phenological Stages of Organically Grown Maize and Soya Using Ground Observations and Aerial Photographs Correlated with Satellite Images

The project is part of the DataBio programme and aims to use artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the detection of phenological stages in maize and soya. The goal is to develop approaches for improving agricultural practices for organic crops, including the use of proximal and satellite remote sensing and AI.

The project involves a variety of stages, including: 1) Definition of an appropriate experimental protocol, 2) Acquisition of crop data, including images from sensors on machinery and drones, as well as satellite imagery and other geospatial data, and 3) Analysis of this data using AI methods, including vision and modelling algorithms.

Philippe La Roche-Audette

Directeur des ressources humaines

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 300 000


Industrial participants :

Agri-Fusion 2000 Inc.

Agrisoft Inc.

*Quebec public research institutes :

Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement (IRDA)

Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS)