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Online monitoring of maple water flow rates and identification of a flavour defect

As part of this project, the companies Aménagement forestier coopéraitf des Appalaches (AFCA) and Comité de Développement de St-Romain are collaborating with the University of Sherbrooke to develop a method for identifying and treating the problem of "bud taste" during maple syrup production. The project therefore consists of: developing a technology for the remote management of maple water collection lines to quickly identify the "bud taste" through its molecule, the DMDS, requiring the development of a system which will quantify maple sap in the collection circuit.

Jean-Michel Lavoie

Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS)

CRIBIQ's contribution

$ 252 886


Industrial participants :

Aménagement forestier coopératif des Appalaches (AFCA) 

Comité de Développement de St-Romain (CDRS)

*Quebec public research institutes :

Université de Sherbrooke