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Program 2022-23 99th Call for projects

SIITEC: Supporting Industrial Innovations for the Transition towards a Circular Economy

Every year, the world population consumes the equivalent of the resources that would be produced by 1.7 planet Earths. Based on the extraction of natural resources as well as on the production, distribution, consumption, and disposal of goods as waste, this linear model is no longer sustainable. In fact, many of our resources exist in limited quantities and do not renew themselves fast enough to support the pace of economic growth.

This is why the sectoral industrial research clusters (RSRIs) representing industries in the biobased economy (CRIBIQ), metal transformation (CRITM), aluminum processing (CQRDA), advanced materials (PRIMA Québec), as well as in the electrical, transportation electrification, and intelligent transportation industries (InnovÉÉ), are joining forces to inaugurate the Supporting Industrial Innovations for the Transition towards a Circular Economy (SI2TEC) program.

Targeting Quebec SMEs, this financing program intends to foster the emergence of innovative, collaborative projects through one of the key strategies of the so-called circular economy, which is industrial symbiosis.

The deadline to submit your Letter of Intent to the contact person representing your industrial sector is December 15, 2022

The deadline for submitting your Full Application (coming soon) is February 16, 2023.


On November 16, 2022, an information webinar was hosted by the CRIBIQ to answer all questions regarding this program.

Watch the information webinar here (in French only)!

For more information on this call for projects, we invite you to download the 2022-2023 Applicant's Guide and to reach out to the contact person representing your industrial sector:

Économie biosourcée (CRIBIQ) :

Claude Côté
Innovation Director
(418) 732-6567

Transformation métallique (CRITM) :

Jean-François St-Cyr
Program Manager
(418) 446-7187

Matériaux avancés (PRIMA Québec) :

Michel Lefevre, Ph.D., B. Ing.
Director of Programs and International Collaborations
(514) 284-0211 poste 227

Aluminium (CQRDA) :

Raphaëlle Prévost-Côté
RD Administrative Officer
(418) 545-5520

Énergie électrique (InnovÉÉ) :

Mathilde Boucher
Innovation Counselor
(514) 416-6777 poste 208


  • Submission of the letter of intent
    15th December 2022
  • Submission of the full application form
    16th February 2023
  • Fiscal year

Contact person

Claude Côté

Mr. Claude Côté

Innovation Director - Circular Economy
418 914-1608 215
